My Prophetic Journey - Part 1
When I was 18 I experienced something for the 1st time, which completely changed the trajectory of my life, my career path, and my heart.
However, when it happened, I had no idea how significant it would really be for me moving forward.
I was at a crossroads. I had grown tired of being just a *nice* Christian.
I desperately wanted to experience the REAL power of God. I was reading testimonies of people experiencing the supernatural in a way that I had never personally witnessed, nor had I ever seen in the lives of those around me. With this evidence, I knew in my heart that more must be available, *BUT* I had NO first-hand knowledge or proof of that for myself.
My rational mind wanted solid, tangible E-V-I-D-E-N-C-E, of His existence. I wanted to know beyond a shadow of a doubt--having seen with my own two hands and own two eyeballs, the power of God moving through me. I wanted to see people touched and healed by God, like in Acts.
At this stage in my life, I was focused on pursuing my dream of becoming a pediatric neurosurgeon. I loved science and biology, I liked knowing how things functioned. I wanted cold-hard facts, evidence, and irrefutable proof. I'll go more into the proof I got later, but for now, I want to share the catalyst for all the other supernatural stuff that happened.
I knew if I didn’t experience it for myself, I knew I would no longer be comfortable proclaiming to follow Jesus or saying that I believed in Him or his power. The Bible talks about how it's better to be hot or cold because if you're lukewarm He'll spit you out. I was at a lukewarm stage. I knew I needed to become either fully hot or ice cold with this whole faith thing.
So off I went to Nicaragua, on my 1st God adventure to know and discover if God was actually real or not. Was he who he said He was...or was it all just stories?
While I initially went to Nicaragua to study abroad, I later returned by myself for another 7+ months - with ONE (SOUL) MISSON (pun intended!) -- for God to prove himself to me.
I was craving a personal encounter to radically change and transform all that I knew to be true.
While I knew God cared for people in some ethereal sense--I had NO IDEA what he thought about me personally–nor had I ever encountered his love in any deep, transformational, or highly personalized way.
We all are hardwired to hear his voice, deep inside we all long to know our identity and who we were created to be. This is something that can only truly come from the Father.
So what happened that was so pivotal for me?
I experienced the prophetic for the first time!
It was the first time I ever received a prophetic word, hearing who God created me to be. For the first time, I got a glimpse into my destiny of who I was called to be and what I was created to do. It was BIG enough that it both thrilled me and freaked me out a bit.
If I've ever personally shared any stories with you 1:1 about Nicaragua, then you know this time in my life was really marking for me.
A deeply life-defining season in my personal history with God. It was a place of spiritual awakening and supernatural activation, unlocking, a deep discovery of identity, and the beginning of learning the ways of the heart and healing.
So what exactly is the prophetic? It's simply someone hearing God on your behalf. It’s hearing His thoughts, His desires, His intentions, and His *original design* for that person. The whole point of the prophetic is to share this spiritual intel in a way that makes the person feel SO seen, known, and DEEPLY loved by the Father.
Making people feel DEEPLY SEEN + KNOWN is really important to me.
The prophetic is one of the best (and most underrated) tools we have for loving the people around us. It's a powerful way to release identity over someone and help them come into full alignment with who they REALLY ARE.
If you've never experienced the prophetic before, it's often a very tangible and moving spiritual encounter where you feel deeply known by God. But it can also be insanely practical too, which I love!
I had no idea that a seed was planted right then and there - that the prophetic would become a deep core passion of mine, that I would fall in love with helping people be activated in how to hear God's voice, or that I would use this as a primary tool for consulting, advising, and bringing strategic solutions to people and companies.
I'll be sharing more in the coming days about my journey, which up until now I've been privately diligently and passionately pursuing. Now feels like the time to start sharing more about this, because I believe there are parts of my journey that will help those that are seeking, and searching in *all the things* for your true identity. You desperately want to be deeply known. You desire to know who you were created to be, on a core level. But you keep coming up empty, or slightly short.
I hope that some of my story can help you on your own journey.
So stay tuned!
I'll leave you with this. In The Good Fight book, Dano Mccollam says this --“the truest thing in the universe about you, is what Heaven thinks and says about you. This is your heavenly identity--who you *truly* are, and how you are known in heaven.”
Do you know what heaven says about you? Do you know the name that heaven calls you by?
--And if not, would you like to?? ...
Feel free to leave a comment below, I'd love to hear from you and hear what's stirring in your heart as you read this!