Let's create human-centered workplaces where people *ACTUALLY* want to work!
This all starts with creating an environment where people can thrive. It starts with feelings.
And no-- that's not just fluffy talk speaking. Although often overlooked, emotions are indeed measurable data. Emotions can be tracked, measured, and correlated directly to your bottom line.
Most organizations drastically underestimate the influence emotion has on their culture and leadership. If you are like most people, you have focused on cognitive corporate culture: defining your values and purpose and hoping those alone will influence collective behavior.
This approach is missing one key factor. Science has proven *that EMOTIONS* govern behavior. Behavior influences beliefs and those beliefs inform values.
According to research by HBR the emotional culture of an organization directly influences:
Employee satisfaction
Employee engagement
Financial performance
Employee retention
Your bottom line
Many leaders shy away from talking about emotion in the workplace because they are unsure how to go about having these conversations.
That's where I (and the Emotional Culture Workshops) come in!
How the journey began for me:
I started working with teams on designing their mission, vision, and values. I love helping leaders execute their big vision through strategy.
After winning the $1M Hult Prize in 2016 and launching an international award-winning tech startup (BuuPass) I started working with companies on crafting their vision, messaging, and strategic plans on how to achieve their big vision
I facilitated sessions with international teams on leadership and organizational development across tech, healthcare, and education
I've worked in some of the most toxic and some of the healthiest team environments and have also been on my own emotional health journey for the past 10 years, learning a variety of tools to bring healing, health, and wholeness to organizations and individuals
It wasn't until I came across the Emotional Culture Deck that I realized I had been missing a key component in these conversations: how to help teams build their empathy and increase their EQ individually and collectively
Now I help leaders use the tools I've learned to transform their teams and organizations for the better
As a certified Emotional Culture Deck practitioner, I'll coach you on the best tools and practices for creating lasting organizational change

So what does this mean for your workplace?
Did You Know?
"The #1 reason people quit their job was a toxic company culture (62%)"
- Flexjobs Great Resignation Survey (Feb 2022)
"43.3% of workers surveyed are burnt-out."
-Great Resignation Research Report by Gloat (Nov 2021)
"Only 20% of the global workforce is engaged."
-State of the Global Workplace, by Ergonomic Trends (Nov 2021)
The Great Resignation is largely being driven by how people *feel*. Learning to talk about how people WANT to feel and NOT feel at work is not just demonstrating empathetic leadership --it's smart business.
Creating a culture that employees want to be part of and are proud to participate in and contribute to, is directly tied to retaining and attracting the best talent.
"People WANT to feel valued and needed at work. When people feel like their work matters, and when they feel like they're treated as real human beings, they contribute their ideas, talent, and innovation in unprecedented and unexpected ways. When your people thrive, organizations thrive."
-Iman Cooper
Who is this for?
Leaders, executives, and teams who are ready to transform the emotional culture of their team.
Are you tired of your people resigning and accepting job offers elsewhere?
Ready to increase your employee engagement, morale, and DEI?
Want to create a high-performing, unified team?
Or maybe you already have a great company culture, but you're a leader who's always looking to refine and improve what you've got, so that your team can be the best. This tool is also for you.
The Emotional Culture Deck is a toolbox for both small and large teams. You can use it in your sub-team to create a more productive working environment or across an organization to create wider organizational change.
It's a simple tool that is easy to use, but flexible enough to have a multi-faceted impact on the way your organization functions, depending on how you decide to use it.
Want to try the game and see how I can help your team?

Ready to Work Together?
Workshop Information:
The Emotional Culture Deck is played in a series of workshops.
To really create lasting cultural change, it's best to engage in a series of 3-5 workshops to have these conversations. Leverage coaching on the backend to support your team in embedding this change.
1. Gather your leadership team to define how you want your people to feel at work. Explore how you need to act as leaders to help your people feel those desired and undesired feelings.
2. Gather employees to hear from them how they want to feel and not feel at work. Discover your people's motivations.
3. Then meet with me to compare insights between the two conversations. Chart a way forward with clear action steps, rituals, and behaviors to embed a healthy emotional culture into your team, for the long term.
Receive 1:1 executive coaching or leadership coaching for your leadership team to help you with:
Leadership development
How to become a more empathetic leader
Giving effective feedback in 1:1 scenarios and coaching skills for leaders
Redesigning your employee touchpoints
Change management
Engineering your customer experience
I'll coach you through the next steps and support you and your leaders to help you implement the changes you have decided on, in either a 12-week or 12-month engagement plan.
The Emotional Culture Deck Workshop is 4hrs and can be split into multiple sessions, or done in one go. Bespoke workshops can also be created to:
Map employee or customer experience
Leadership development
Conflict resolution
Map your team's Emotional Culture Canvas with rituals, behaviors, and critical next steps in order to implement the emotional culture your team has co-created in the workshop.
Want to know how I can help your team? Click the button below to receive information about the workshops I offer.